Safety Management & Emergency Response

6 Roles available in the Safety Management & Emergency Response specialisation across All services

20200812 NZDF K1055157 016


  • Active Intakes

Emergency Responder (Firefighter)

Safety Management & Emergency Response

General entry

As a NZ Army Emergency Responder you will be equipped with the skills needed to work in high pressure situations as well as working in close-knit teams that foster camaraderie and build the skills essential in saving lives and effectively combating emergency incidents.

  • Under training


  • Future potential earnings


Army military police square tn


  • Active Intakes

Military Police

Safety Management & Emergency Response

General entry

Characterised by variety and independence, the MP role could see you: preventing crime in Defence Areas within New Zealand, as a bodyguard to senior military officers overseas, investigating homicides in foreign countries, training foreign police forces, or more.

  • Under training


  • Future potential earnings


  • Location


af firefighter square 20240325


  • In Demand
  • Active Intakes

Aviation Rescue Firefighter

Safety Management & Emergency Response

General entry

Protect lives and mission critical assets as part of our Aviation Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF) teams at airfields and bases.

  • Under training


  • Future potential earnings


  • Location

    Ohakea, Whenuapai, Woodbourne

af milpol square 20240731


  • Active Intakes

RNZAF Police

Safety Management & Emergency Response

General entry

Characterised by variety and independence, the RNZAF Police role could see you: preventing crime on Air Bases or Defence Areas within New Zealand, being part of an investigations team offshore, acting as a bodyguard to senior military officers overseas, training foreign police forces, and more.

  • Under training


  • Future potential earnings


  • Location


AF Sec Forces square 20220824raaf


  • Active Intakes

RNZAF Security Forces

Operational support | Safety Management & Emergency Response

General entry

As a member of our Security Forces staff you will help protect our personnel and equipment, from delivering readiness training to service personnel to providing force protection measures against a range of threats.

  • Under training


  • Future potential earnings


  • Location


Navy MP preview square


Naval Police

Safety Management & Emergency Response

General entry

Characterised by variety and independence, the Naval Police (NP) role could see you: preventing crime on Navy Ships or Defence Areas within New Zealand, being part of an investigations team offshore, acting as a bodyguard to senior military officers overseas, training foreign police or security forces, and more.