He nui moana tō mātou tū toa
The Royal New Zealand Navy is a close crew whose bonds run as deep as our oceans. Together, we defend and protect Aotearoa’s waters, as well as carrying out aid, rescue and support missions across the globe. We’re loyal and highly specialised people who share epic experiences that create unbreakable bonds. Our connections extend beyond our Service, including working with the Army and Air Force as well as other government and non-government agencies. Voyaging the seas and travelling the world, we make mates and share stories that stay with us.

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If joining full-time is too full-on, choose a part-time role that’ll give you new experiences and mates for life.
Huihuinga ānamata
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Our epic experiences create deep connections. See the Codewords that unlock unique stories between mates across the Navy, Army and Air Force.