Te uru mai

How to join

am i eligible 1

Ka whai wāhi rānei au

Am I eligible

Before diving in, it’s important to verify your eligibility. We want to ensure that you meet the necessary requirements to pursue a career with us. You can find all the details on our eligibility page.



The application process

Ready to take the next step? You can apply online! Our streamlined application process guides you through each stage, so you know exactly what to expect. After you submit your application, one of our expert candidate coordinators will be assigned to you. They’ll support you throughout your journey, providing updates and information along the way.

Application process

Kia takatū

Be Prepared

apititude testing

Aptitude testing

Aptitude tests provide reliable and objective information about an individual’s ability to perform under training and on the job. They help the NZDF to identify the candidates who are most likely to succeed in training and early career.

Aptitude testing
am i fit enough 1

Am I fit enough?

If you want to be part of the NZ Defence Force you need to be medically and physically fit for military duties worldwide.

Fitness requirements

Tūhuratia ngā tūranga Ope Kātua

Explore Defence Force roles

Curious about the diverse opportunities available? With up to 100 different trades across the Navy, Army, and Air Force, there’s something for everyone.

Tri Service CTA banner 2021
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Ready to begin your own journey into the NZDF?