Mō te tūranga
About the role
Logistics & Administration
Entry type
General entry
Under training
Papakura, Linton, Trentham, Burnham
If you’re good at thinking ahead and project planning, then you could be well-suited to a career as a Logistics Specialist. Your main responsibility will be to ensure our troops have enough equipment and supplies to complete any task – no matter where in the world you are, and what in the world your mission. You become a trained inventory and warehouse operator, utilising a variety of skills and services to ensure the Army has everything it needs and is prepared to get the job done.
You'll learn how to move all of the New Zealand Army’s equipment around. That means you will gain driving licences in various classes including forklift and heavy truck. You may learn how to operate our field petrol tankers.
You will also receive training in SAP, the Army’s logistic IT system; an internationally used software package used by many of the world's largest and most successful companies. You will learn and become experienced in logistic supply chains and the distribution of goods throughout New Zealand and our regional dependencies.
Accepting Applications
Recruit Regular Force 417, starts 21 Jul 2025 Apply by 24 Mar 2025
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- Must be 18 years old by the time you graduate from recruit course.
- Eligible to meet national security clearance criteria, as stipulated by the Government's Protective Security Requirements.
- 3 years secondary school.
Note, qualifications may be used to assess trade suitability.
Fitness & Medical
There are strict citizenship and security requirements to gain the required CV security clearance for this trade.
Find out if you’re eligible here.
Period of Service
There may be a return of service period for this trade.
Please contact our 0800 number or talk to your Candidate Experience Facilitator for more information.
We offer guidance on entry requirements in our eligibility section. Apply if you're uncertain, as we’ll work through the criteria with you to determine if you can proceed.
“When I first came off basic training, I was straight into the field. We were doing shower tasks, fresh water and rations... It's not just warehousing, there's so much more.”
Lauren, Logistics Specialist
Job on base
While on camp, you will be in charge of the safe storage and distribution of the equipment used by the Army. This will involve the ordering and sourcing of different equipment ranging from ammunition to clothing to the stationery needs for troops and providing essential support services.
As well as your day to day responsibilities as a Logistics Specialist, you will also continue your soldier training including weapons, patrolling, navigation, medical and radio/communications training.
Job on deployment
Logistics Specialists deploy on a variety of overseas missions and postings in support of other units and contingents. The role of a Logistics Specialist overseas will be largely the same as while on camp, sourcing equipment and supplies as required to ensure the Army has what it needs to get the job done. Past deployments have included Afghanistan, Iraq, Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands, and Sinai.
Career progression and training
01Basic Training
Basic Training
Upon successful enlistment into the Army you will be posted to Waiouru Army base. Here you will do 16 weeks of basic military training to find out if you have what it takes to be in the Army, and learn various subjects including:
- Organisation and Administration
- Army Customs and Protocol
- Drill and Parades
- Military Field Skills and Weapon Training
- First Aid
- Physical Fitness
02Job Training
Job Training
This six-week course at Trentham Camp, Upper Hutt, involves:
- Learning the intricacies of Combat Services Support
- Learning to operate in a camp environment
- Learning to operate in a field environment
- Learning advanced radio communication skills
- Learning the intricacies of force protection
- Corps history
Following the basic course, you will spend a further three weeks at Trentham camp learning about the NZ Army supply chain operations, receiving training in basic warehouse operations, health and safety, hazardous substances and will gain a forklift truck licence.
03Ongoing Training
Ongoing Training
Throughout your career, you will gain recognised qualifications in business, warehousing and inventory management, as well as occupational health and safety licences.
04Specialist Training
Specialist Training
As you gain experience, you will also have the opportunity to specialise in areas such as:
- Medical equipment
- Repair parts/equipment
- Rationing
- Petroleum operation
- Tyre repair
- Field services, include shower/laundry
- Contract management
- Computer/information systems
- Procurement (purchasing and acquisition)
- Ammunition handling
- Mortuary affairs operation
- Special Operations Support Enabler
05Career Progression
Career Progression
After your initial Logistics Course you will have the opportunity to complete a number of specialist courses to broaden your knowledge and skills. This could be from gaining new licenses, to learning how to handle and store ammunition or bulk fuel. You'll have the opportunity to work in a variety of different fields and gain NZQA accredited qualifications while doing so.
As a Logistics Specialist, you could be posted to one of the main Combat Service Support Battalions, or posted to a unit within NZ to provide direct 1st line support to the Combat and Combat Support troops within the NZ Army. Logistics Specialists may be required to work individually within small teams or as part of a large Company sized group. As a Logistics Specialist there are a number of paths your career can move toward and you will gain a variety of highly transferable skills to the civilian world.
Benefits & allowances
Earn a competitive salary while training or learning your trade, along with additional allowances for time spent in the field, at sea, overseas, or deployed on operations.
In addition to salary and allowances, other benefits of joining the New Zealand Defence Force include:
- Access to your Service marae or tūrangawaewae
- Sponsored tertiary study programmes at all levels
- Free access to gyms and swimming pools on camp and bases
- Opportunities to travel
- Free and subsidised medical and dental care
- Subsidised food and accommodation on camps and bases
- Free and subsidised insurance cover
- Help to buy a home and save for retirement
Salary & benefits
Careers in the Army are well-rewarded, diverse and exciting. As you become more experienced and move up through the ranks, gaining additional skills and qualifications, your salary will rise accordingly.
Under training
Future potential earnings

Am I fit enough?
If you want to be part of the NZ Defence Force you need to be medically and physically fit for military duties worldwide.
Medical & Fitness

The application process
If you want to be part of the NZ Defence Force you need to be medically and physically fit for military duties worldwide.

Ready to start your Army career?
APPLY NOWTūranga whaipānga