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Scholarships are awarded to those pursuing a career as an Officer in the NZDF.
We offer scholarships and financial support for school leavers or those currently studying toward a degree, as well as recent graduates.
Before pursuing a scholarship, we recommend you ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for a career within the NZDF.
The Navy, Army and Air Force give their scholarship schemes different names and administer them in slightly different ways. Each Service has specific employment focuses and approved fields of study. Learn more at the links below.
Which one is right for you?
The Bursary and Salary Scholarship Schemes are both aimed at school leavers or those in their first or second years of university study. If you’re a third-year Medical student or studying for a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) you can also apply.
The Graduate Incentive Scheme is aimed at those who are in their final year of studies or have recently graduated.
Bursary Scholarship Scheme
For school leavers or undergraduates
Benefits include:
Your compulsory fees will be reimbursed, plus you’ll receive a $9,000 stipend if you pass all of your papers each year.
Financial rewards for good grades: $2000 bonus for A- average or above.
Paid part-time work during semester and/or summer breaks, which could include industry experience or internship hours.
Total value: approximately $80,000-$100,000
After graduating, you’ll complete one year of service for every year of sponsored study. This is known as a Return of Service Obligation (ROSO). Army Scholarships are one year of service for every year of sponsored study plus one year.
Salary Scholarship Scheme
For school leavers or undergraduates
Benefits include:
Your university fees will be paid for, plus you’ll receive a Recruit salary while attending university, valued at approximately $68,000 per year.
Enjoy the benefits of full-time military members such as free and subsidised medical and dental care.
Total value: approximately $250,000-300,000
After graduating, you’ll complete one year of service for every year of sponsored study (ROSO).
Graduate Incentive Scheme (GIS)
For recent grads or those in their final year of study
In addition to your Recruit salary of approximately $68,000 per year, you will be reimbursed up to $30,000 for a three-year degree, or $40,000 for a four-year degree.
Your reimbursement will be paid out in increments at the end of each successful year of service, on the anniversary of your attestation date.
Total value: $30,000-$50,000 on top of your salary, depending on the length of your degree.
There is no return of service obligation or minimum term of employment for this scholarship.

How to apply
Before being considered for a scholarship scheme, candidates are required to submit an application for an approved Officer role to join the NZDF and complete our standard recruitment process to determine your suitability.
After applying to join the NZDF, you will be assigned a Candidate Engagement Facilitator who will assist you with your scholarship application.
The Recruit Undergraduate Scheme and Graduate Incentive Scheme are the scholarship options that are likely to be supported by the Air Force if a candidate passes a selections board.
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