20230706 NZDF C1033116 026 1 v4


Writer (Operational Administrator)

Writers are part of the Support Branch of the Navy. Organising the pay & administration of a large and complex organisation is a big challenge. Are you up for it?

Mō te tūranga

About the role

  • Specialisations

    Logistics & Administration

  • Entry type

    General entry

  • Under training


  • Location


As a Navy Writer, you will provide high quality administrative and payroll support to ships at sea and serving personnel. You will also provide support in office administration functions such as customer service, document management and personnel management procedures.

Your role will principally be undertaken at sea onboard ships where you will also perform non-administrative tasks as part of the ship's company, and ashore in Devonport Naval Base. Most Writers also complete at least one period of peacekeeping overseas. The Writer role will suit you if you want a career in administration that is balanced with getting out of the office and doing other varied and exciting things.

Accepting Applications

  • Basic Common Training 25-2, starts 25 Aug 2025 Apply by 12 May 2025

    Apply Now



  • Must be 18 years old by the time you graduate from recruit course.
  • Eligible to meet national security clearance criteria, as stipulated by the Government's Protective Security Requirements.


  • 3 years secondary school.

Note, qualifications may be used to assess trade suitability.

Fitness & Medical


There are strict citizenship and security requirements to gain the SV security clearance required for this trade. You must be free of any criminal convictions for the previous two years.

Find out if you’re eligible here.

We offer guidance on entry requirements in our eligibility section. Apply if you're uncertain, as we’ll work through the criteria with you to determine if you can proceed.

Onboard with Navy Writer (Operational Administrator)

Follow Able Writer Dione Taurua, during a typical day onboard HMNZS Te Mana.

  • Job on base

    The initial parts of your career will be spent ashore in the Devonport Naval Base, with short duration postings to ships and shore establishments to strengthen your training and gain experience. These can include short term postings to other locations in New Zealand as well overseas experiences with NZDF deployed forces and exchanges with other navies.

  • Job on deployment

    Whilst at sea your most important role is as a sailor, utilising the core mariner skills you have gained in fire-fighting, damage control and seamanship tasks. You will also be given advanced first aid training to assist the ship’s medical staff in emergencies. In your trade role at sea you will support the efficient operation of the ship by ensuring that the command and personnel receive top-level policy advice and administrative support.

Career progression and training

01Basic Training

02Job Training

03Ongoing Training

04Career Progression

Benefits & allowances

Earn a competitive salary while training or learning your trade, along with additional allowances for time spent in the field, at sea, overseas, or deployed on operations.

In addition to salary and allowances, other benefits of joining the New Zealand Defence Force include:

  • Access to your Service marae or tūrangawaewae
  • Sponsored tertiary study programmes at all levels
  • Free access to gyms and swimming pools on camp and bases
  • Opportunities to travel
  • Free and subsidised medical and dental care
  • Subsidised food and accommodation on camps and bases
  • Free and subsidised insurance cover
  • Help to buy a home and save for retirement

Salary & benefits

Careers in the Navy are well-rewarded, as well as being diverse and exciting. As you become more experienced and move up through the ranks, gaining additional skills and qualifications, you will see your salary rise accordingly.

  • Under training


  • Future potential earnings


Navy Be Prepared Fitness Image 20240927

Am I fit enough?

If you want to be part of the NZ Defence Force you need to be medically and physically fit for military duties worldwide.

Medical & Fitness
Navy Be Prepared Application Process Image 20240927

The application process

Your step-by-step guide on what to expect at various stages of the application process, specifically for military roles.

Application process
navy generic base for roles

Ready to start your Navy career?


Tūranga whaipānga

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General entry

Experience a variety of Naval life as you work in the Officers’ Messes both at sea and ashore. Provide first-class service at everything from Formal events to diplomatic functions.

  • Under training


  • Future potential earnings


  • Location


20230823 NZDF C1033116 009


  • Active Intakes

Logistics Supply Specialist

Logistics & Administration

General entry

Be part of a close-knit, coordinated team that delivers today, to shape tomorrow. Make sure our ships have everything they need while they are at sea, from ship parts to medical supplies.

  • Under training


  • Future potential earnings


  • Location


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Maritime Logistics Officer

Logistics & Administration | Officers & Management

Officer entry

Working ashore, at sea and overseas, you will train to become an expert at leading and organising the provision of supplies to our ships, bases and personnel.

  • Under training


  • Future potential earnings


  • Location
