Air Force Scholarships
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Scholarships are awarded to those pursuing a career as an Officer in the NZDF.
We offer scholarships and financial support for school leavers or those currently studying toward a degree, as well as recent graduates.
Eligible candidates pursuing the specified roles below can apply for a scholarship scheme. Find out which one is right for you.
Bursary scholarship, for school leavers or undergrads
Recruit undergraduate scheme
Priority roles: Communications Informations Systems Officer, Engineering Officer, Air Warfare Officer, Learning Development Officer and Logistics Officer
When to apply: start of Year 13 or early stage of university.
When is it awarded: within the final stages of the selection process, after the officer Air Force selection board in April or November each year.
Fees reimbursed, plus a $9,000 stipend if you pass all papers in the academic year
Financial rewards for good grades: $2000 bonus for A- average or above.
Paid part-time work during semester and/or summer breaks, which could cover industry experience required for your degree.
Total value: approximately $80,000-$100,000
Other information:
Whilst on the scheme you will be a member of the Air Force Reserves and complete a short (up to 2 week) induction training in your first year of the scheme outside of your university studies. This usually takes place in July or January. After completing your degree, you will complete the full Recruit Officer Induction Course (ROIC) and Recruit Officer Commissioning Course (ROCC) before embarking on your full-time Regular Force journey. At this point, you will start serving your Return of Service Obligation (ROSO)
You’ll be contractually obligated to complete one year of full-time service for every year of sponsored study.
Graduate scholarship
Graduate Incentive Scheme
Roles considered: Medical Officer, Legal Officer, Logistics Officer, Chaplain and Engineering Officer
What can you study: your degree/qualification must be relevant to the roles above.
When to apply: last year of university or soon after graduation (up to 10 years).
When is it awarded: within the final stages of the selection process, after the officer Air Force selection board in April or November each year.
In addition to your Recruit salary of approximately $68,000 per year, you will be reimbursed $10,000 per year of the eligible degree to a maximum of $50,000. For example you will receive up to $30,000 for a three-year degree paid over four years.
Your reimbursement will be paid out in progressive increments at the end of each successful year of service, on the anniversary of your attestation date over four years.
Total value: $30,000-$50,000 depending on degree length.
There is no minimum term of employment or return of service for this scholarship.

How to apply
Before being considered for a scholarship scheme, candidates are required to submit an application for an approved Officer role to join the NZDF and complete our standard recruitment process to determine your suitability.
After applying to join the NZDF, you will be assigned a Candidate Engagement Facilitator who will assist you with your scholarship application.
Whilst all eligible candidates pursuing specified roles can apply for a scholarship scheme, allocation decisions are based on the performance of candidates and organisational needs. There are no guarantees of scholarships being awarded by trades each year.
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